
Privacy policy

How devoneyes.com uses your data

The devoneyes.com is committed to protecting your personal data. The only data we collect from you is on the contact and booking form. When you contact us via the online contact form we will use your data to reply to you and in any relevant correspondence and in the management of our relationship with you.

We will only use your data for the purpose for which you gave it to us.

We will only keep your data for as long as is required to facilitate the management of our relationship with you but we may retain data which is pertinent for legal or accounting purposes. I will not share your details with third parties without your prior consent.

We are obliged to keep your data accurate so we may contact you periodically to confirm that this is the case. If there are any changes to your personal data you can let us know on info@devoneyes.com

You have the right to ask Devon Eyes to delete your data at any time.

Please see this link for your rights with regards to your personal data

Subject Access Request

You may request a copy of all of the data we hold for you and how we process it. We will reply within one month. If you wish to make a subject access request please do so by emailing info@devoneyes.com.

Data Security

Devon Eyes has put in place adequate security to stop your data from being lost or used in a way you have not consented to. Devon Eyes will notify you and the relevant regulator immediately if there is a personal data breach which affects you.

Complaints procedure

If you are not happy with how your data is held or processed please do let us know. You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.

Data I collect from patients during consultations

Sam Evans FRCOphth - Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Privacy Notice

Sam Evans Ltd is committed to maintaining the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of patients and service users at all times. We adhere to the principles of current UK data protection legislation and the General Medical Council and Nursing & Midwifery Council Codes of Confidentiality. For the purposes of data protection legislation, Sam Evans Ltd is the “data controller” in respect of the information provided by patients and service users. Sam Evans Ltd is required under data protection legislation to notify service users of the information provided in this privacy notice. Sam Evans Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioners Office as a Data Controller (Registration number ZB079155).

How Sam Evans Ltd Uses Your Personal Information

Sam Evans Ltd will only use your personal information where the law allows us to. Sam Evans Ltd uses your personal information to allow us to advise and support you in accordance with your requirements and the consents you have given to us.

Most commonly, Sam Evans Ltd will use your personal information in the following circumstances:

  • Where you have provided us with consent;
  • Where it is necessary to perform a contract/service we have entered into with you; or
  • Where it is necessary for us to comply with a legal obligation.

Sam Evans Ltd may also need to use your personal information in the following circumstances, which are likely to be rare:

  • Where it is necessary to protect your interests (or someone else’s interests); or
  • Where it is needed in the public interest

The service is medically confidential

The medical records are securely stored in line with UK data protection legislation and only accessible to Sam Evans Ltd employees. All Sam Evans Ltd employees adhere to a strict code of ethics in relation to the confidentiality of all consultations, telephone contact and the maintenance of medical records.

Sharing Your Personal Information

Any information obtained by Sam Evans Ltd employees is strictly confidential. No information is divulged to any third party, including the person's general practitioner (GP) without the person's informed consent.

Keeping your Personal Information

Sam Evans Ltd will keep the personal information you provide to us whilst you are a patient or service user and will also retain your personal and medical information even after the end of the treatment or service if this is necessary to comply with legal obligations or to meet regulatory or professional requirements. A copy of Sam Evans Ltd Data Retention Schedule is available upon request and details how long personal information is retained for.

Your Right to Access Personal Information

You can find out if Sam Evans Ltd holds any personal information about you by making a ‘subject access request’ under current UK data protection legislation. If Sam Evans Ltd does hold information about you, we will:

  • Give you a description of the personal and medical information;
  • Tell you why we hold your personal information;
  • Tell you who it has been disclosed to; and
  • Let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.

You may also have the right for your personal and medical information to be transmitted electronically to another organisation in certain circumstances. You can request access to the information Sam Evans Ltd holds about you at any time by contacting Mr. Sam Evans, Director, Sam Evans Ltd (Data Protection Officer).

Further Data Protection Rights

If you believe that any of the personal information Sam Evans Ltd holds about you is incorrect, you have the right to ask us to rectify that information at any time and we will consider this request. There are some specific circumstances where this right does not apply and we can refuse to deal with your request. You may also have the right, in certain circumstances, to request that we delete your personal or medical information, to block any further processing of your personal or medical information or to object to the processing of your personal or medical information. There are some specific circumstances where these rights do not apply and we can refuse to deal with your request.

If Sam Evans Ltd is processing your personal and medical information based upon your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. If you require any further information about your right to rectification, erasure, restriction of or object to processing or you wish to withdraw your consent please contact Mr Sam Evans, Director, Sam Evans Ltd (please see contact details section below).


Sam Evans Ltd takes any complaints that are received about the collection and use of personal or medical information very seriously. We would encourage you to bring it to our attention if you think that collection or use of information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate. You can make a complaint at any time by contacting Sam Evans.

If you think our collection or use of personal information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate or if you have concerns about the security of your personal information, you also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at the following address: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Contact Sam Evans

You can contact Sam Evans via email at hello@eyesurgery.me

For more information about how we handle your personal and medical information, how long this information is retained, and your rights under data protection legislation, please see our Data Management Policy.

We may use cloud based services, including note taking, patient record management, dictation and transcription services and online bookkeeping services in order to deliver your care. If you would like further details about which services we use, please contact me. All such services provide a privacy policy and are compliant with GDPR legislation.